
Thanksgiving Pie-Making Begins!

The biggest baking days of my year begin in the most prosaic way possible: with paper and a calculator.

How many pumpkin pies? How many “best-ever apple?” How many cups of sweet potato puree, brown sugar, and heavy cream do I need? How many pounds of apples, tablespoons full of molasses, trays of eggs? How much butter and leaf lard for my dough?

Off to the markets I go!

  1. Melissa Aune

    Hi Curvy Mama 🙂
    It’s your friend from L’Academie de Cuisine. Sounds like things are going well for you! I have a question – where in this area do you find leaf lard? I would like to try baking with it, but haven’t seen it at the store.


    P.S. Are you going to give a pie making class sometime?? I think it would be great, and I would definitely sign up!

  2. CurvyMama Pies

    Melissa! Hello!! How are you? I bet your family is benefiting from your L’Academie course! Or are you now working in the culinary field? As for leaf lard, my cherished source here in D.C. is Wagshal’s in Spring Valley. The butchers there render it and sell it. It’s fabulous. And YES, I am planning to teach pie workshops very soon! How did you read my mind? I am gathering names of interested folks… so I will add yours and reach out when I can schedule something (not before January). Stay in touch! Write back with photos & stuff about the leaf-lard crust you make.

  3. melissaiscooking

    I am great! Getting ready to jump in at L’Academie again with the Advanced Culinary Techniques class. So excited! Thanks for sharing your leaf lard source with me. I will definitely give it a try, and report back. I will be very excited to hear about your upcoming workshop- count me in!

    Thanks Again!

  4. CurvyMama Pies

    Great, Melissa! I look forward to it! And have fun with the new class; I’m sure it will produce lots of yummies, as well as great blog posts for you.