In her ongoing search for great pie, CurvyMama has pledged to bring you reports from pie shops and diners across the country, wherever yummy pie can be found. In that spirit, I bring you today a report from a member of the CurvyMama Pie Posse, Jacqueline Macauley.
I had been hearing about Jongewaard’s Bake ‘n’ Broil, in Long Beach, but hadn’t been able to get down there on my many trips to L.A. So Jacqueline–a dear friend of CurvyMama’s bestest boyfriend and Pie Posse member Don–gamely agreed to pop over there to give it a taste. Here’s her report:
Cruising down Atlantic Avenue in Long Beach searching for pie, the obvious choice for an out-of-towner might seem tobe Polly’s Pies. But insiders know that Jongewaards (pronounced “yon-ga-vards”) Bake and Broil is the place when it comes to yummy sweets. So I took my daughter and her school pal over there for a slice of pie (me) and cupcakes (them.)
The girls ordered red velvet cupcakes and chicken and rice soup–and ate them in that order.

I’m sure that only applies when making it, because my fork couldn’t get through that
luscious lemony slice fast enough. The nuts add unexpected texture to a mouthful of sweet, creamy and tart flavors.

My only note is that the curd could be a touch more tart, but that’s mostly a preference thing. The truth is, every single one of the baked goods at Jongewaards looked ready for its five minutes of fame. I know where my next birthday cake/pie/cupcake/cookie is coming from!